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Do You Know Where You Are?

Katia Adams • January 12, 2019
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it all too easy to forget where I am. 

I can go through days overlooking the fact that, although what I see of my surroundings with my human eyes is earthbound, in actual fact I’m sitting joined entirely with Jesus in Heavenly places. Totally joined with Him. So intertwined that there is not a single moment of my day where it’s possible to untangle myself from Him. If He’s on a throne, then so am I. If He’s sitting at the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 1), then so am I.

I’ve been musing over what it actually means to be seated at the Father’s right hand. When scripture mentions the words ‘right hand’, what is it that the Word is trying to communicate? Doing a search through the Bible to open up the significance of ‘right hand’ is a seriously encouraging read. Ephesians isn’t simply trying to tell us our direction from the Father but rather trying to open our eyes to the overwhelming Kingdom resource that we’re sitting in.

Take Genesis 48 for example, when we read of Jacob blessing Joseph’s children, his right hand was so significant that where he placed it was where the lion’s share of blessing, birthright and inheritance would go. Then look at Exodus 15 – from His right hand comes so much power that the enemy is shattered & wiped out. At His right handare pleasures evermore (Psalm 16), a place of refuge (Psalm 17) and source of support (Psalm 18). His right hand is filled with righteousness (Psalm 48) and brings deliverance and salvation (Psalm 60, Psalm 98). From His right hand comes creative power (Isaiah 48). The Son of His right hand is one who He makes strong (Psalm 80).

We are the sons and daughters of His right hand. 

We are literally sitting in the wild and uncontainable current of His blessing, favour and inheritance, His power and deliverance and covering of refuge, His spine-strengthening joy and life-giving pleasure, His heart-cleansing righteousness, His ability to create all things from nothing and to bring forth what is seen from the unseen.

Whatever your earthly world looks like today, know this: His enemy-shattering power is all over you. His favour and blessing of birthright rest on you. His arms of comfort and support and refuge surround you. The power to create hovers expectantly over you. You are the sons and daughters of His right hand, and He will bring you strength.

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