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Become a more powerful & confident preacher

Her Voice is a self-paced online course for women preachers. No matter how experienced you are in preaching, our training and assignments will help you grow your gift and refine your message. 

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Grow your craft,

skill, & ability

Learn how to prepare a sermon from the ground-up, deliver your message, and step out courageously. You’ll hear a teaching from Katia, be activated through online assignments, and be encouraged as you grow.

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About the course

Her Voice is entirely self-paced; start whenever you're ready, and complete it at whatever pace you feel comfortable. It's broken up into seven sessions, each including a video teaching from Katia, a workbook chapter, and an activation (or assignment). As you go through the course, the activations will walk you through a step-by step process of crafting, writing, and then delivering a sermon.

Course Curriculum

  • Session 1: A Unique Journey

    We all have our own journeys, and it’s important for us to recognize the call on our lives no matter how different it might look from those around us. As you embark on your own unique journey, stewarding the stirring of your heart will help you embrace the call on your life and to step fully into what God has for you.

  • Session 2: A Prepared Messenger

    The beauty of teaching and preaching is that it’s not predominantly about communicating information, it’s about leading people into an encounter. We can’t do that if we haven’t prepared ourselves as messengers in order to fulfill the function of our gift. In today’s session, we’ll talk about what it means to be a “prepared messenger”.

  • Session 3: The Nature of the Gift

    In the Bible, we read about two types of teaching gifts: the gift of teaching and the teaching gift. While different, both gifts are incredibly important. In this session, we focus on the gift of the teacher and its nature and purpose within the body.

  • Session 4: How to Approach Preaching

    This time we get a bit more practical as we talk about how to approach preaching. We cover everything from preaching styles to important things to account for when reading the word, namely, translation differences, literary genres, and how to interpret scripture successfully.

  • Session 5: How to Craft a Sermon

    From the moment you’re invited to preach, to the moment you get up to share your message, your sermon should go through a few stages of development. In this session we’ll jump right into an activation, and the second stage of the process: crafting your sermon.

  • Session 6: The Art of Preaching

    Now that you have your revelation and you’ve worked hard on crafting it, comes the fun bit, the actual preaching of your message. There’s a lot that happens when you’re delivering a message, so in this session, I talk about 10 things that are important to be aware of when you’re speaking.

  • Session 7: Safeguards for a Life in Ministry

    As you step out into a life of ministry and growing in favor, it’s so important to be aware of how to properly safeguard yourself. It’s easier than you think to lose sight of the important things as your opportunities become bigger and bigger. Because of this, I felt the need to focus on some important things that will help us keep Jesus the main thing and demonstrate a healthy way of doing ministry.

  • Bonus: How to Close Your Sermons with Confidence

    Closing your sermon can be one of the most challenging parts of preaching and teaching, but it's also one of the most important. As preachers we need to learn how to give space to the Holy Spirit and invite people into authentic encounter with God.  In this Bonus Session, you'll learn how to avoid awkward moments and lead people into effective ministry time while closing your sermons. 

Craft and deliver a sermon from the ground up

Our digital workbook activations walk you through the steps to creating and delivering a sermon.

Look Inside the Digital Workbook

Taught by

Katia Adams

With over 20 years experience in preaching and teaching, Dr. Katia Adams shares her most practical tips for growth and stories from her own experience that will propel you into your calling.

Meet Katia
Pete Greig Photo
"It's hard to imagine a theme more timely for the global church today, nor a message more necessary than Katia Adams' cry for true equality between the sexes."

Pete Greig

Founder of 24/7 Prayer Movement and Senior Pastor of Emmaus Rd. Church
Paul Manwaring
"I’ve never that’s NEVER .. heard a better woman preacher than Katia. Articulate, intelligent, informed, biblical, practical, power full, engaging, I’ll stop there but could say more!"

Paul Manwaring

Author, Church Leader, and International Speaker
Photo for Pete Hughes
"Katia Adams is a phenomenal bible teacher."

Pete Hughes

Senior Leader KXC
Image for John & Debby Wright
"Katia is a brilliant woman. She is intelligent, she is passionate, she is an incredible communicator and she loves Jesus."

John & Debby Wright

National Leaders of Vineyard Churches Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland

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Self-paced Online Course:

  • 7 Session Her Voice Training Course

    Self paced, start any time. 

  • Lifetime Access

    Once you sign up for this course, it never ends! You'll always be able to come back to it later. 

  • Bonus Judges Devotional Series

    As a bonus, you'll get access to Katia's online devotional series through the book of Judges. 

  • Bonus Guest Sessions

    Bonus sessions from Patricia King, Candace Johnson, and Jennifer Toledo. 

  • Workbook and Activations

    Get access to the printable workbook with activations for each session.

  • 100% Money-back Guarantee

    If for any reason at all you're not satisfied with the course, just email us at support@frequentsee.org within the first 14 days, and we will happily refund your payment. 

We offer discounts for groups of 10 or more women. Click here to email our team.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does this course work?

    When you purchase the course, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to access the course. You can start at any time you'd like, and go at your own pace.

  • How long will this course take to complete?

    Each course video session is between 15-25 minutes, and there are seven sessions in the course. The workbook material will take you roughly 1 hour per week. We'd estimate a total of 7-9 hours to complete this course. 

  • How long will I have access to this course?

    You have lifetime access to this course! It will never expire. 

  • Is there a money-back guarantee?

    Yes! If, for any reason at all, you're not satisfied with the course, just email us at hello@katiaadams.org and we will issue a full refund until 14 days after your purchase. 

  • Can men sign up for Her Voice?

    Yes! We've had plenty of men run through the Her Voice course. While some of the stories and ministry moments are geared specifically toward women, the material itself will help you refine your preaching gift regardless of your gender. 

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