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God is Setting You Up

Katia Adams • June 11, 2020
No matter your circumstance, God is setting you up for something good. In this teaching, Katia shares stories of when the disciples were "set up" by Jesus, and how he used those moments to display His goodness.

God is setting you up in your hopeless moments. He's setting you up in your day-to-day moments. And He's setting you up in moments of impossibility.

Listen to our podcast, Frequentsee Conversations
This teaching was originally recorded for Gatekeepers Church
  • Transcript

    hi gatekeepers it is so good to be

    joining you guys this weekend even under

    crazy circumstances in a way I have a

    real sense of anticipation for what God

    wants to do both today as I preach but

    just in this season of our lives I was

    thinking about it this morning and just

    praying for this meeting and I was just

    thinking there's never been an unusual

    context in human history where God has

    not shown up in unusual ways and what

    the world's narrative of our current

    situation would be and what the enemy's

    desire for the narrative would be that

    hope has lost that things are getting

    worse that Korona is something that we

    can't get past and has us in lockdown

    and I have such a sense of God wanting

    to bring such peace to our hearts even

    now even before I begin preaching that

    he is not in lockdown that he is not

    retreating because of Korona

    God has not met his match in corona it's

    not like somehow this is an enemy that

    he didn't foresee or a context that he

    didn't know about but this is a moment

    in human history where it's unusual for

    us and God is going to show up in

    unusual ways and so I really want to

    invite you to raise your sense of

    expectation and anticipation for what

    God is going to be doing in these days

    raise your sense of awareness of what

    the Spirit is saying and where the

    Spirit is leading not just about the

    pandemic but about your destiny about

    the destiny of your family about the

    destiny of your neighbors because I

    believe if we tune in to what heaven is

    speaking in these days we will hear

    incredible destiny words that empower

    many for the season to come and so I

    just want to really encourage you with

    that I wanted to share a message with

    you this morning called an impossible

    life we're living in impossible


    and I believe God wants to speak into

    them and I'm gonna read a couple of

    passages from the Gospel of Mark and

    then we're gonna jump right in I'm gonna

    just dig up some things from these

    passages so the first one I'm gonna read

    mark 116 220 and then the second passage

    will be in mark 6 from verse 30 so here

    we go

    as he Jesus was going along by the Sea

    of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew the

    brother of Simon casting a net in the

    sea for they were fishermen and Jesus

    said to them follow me and I will make

    you become fishers of men immediately

    they left their nets and followed him

    going on a little further he saw James

    the son of Zebedee and John his brother

    who were also in the boat mending the

    nets immediately he called them and they

    left their father Zebedee in the boat

    with the hired servants and went away to

    follow him and then Mark 6 the Apostles

    returned to Jesus and told him all that

    they had done and taught and he said to

    them come away by yourselves to a

    desolate place and rest awhile I love

    that that the intention of Jesus even in

    desolate places is to bring us rest from

    many were coming and going and there had

    no leisure even to eat and they went

    away in the boat to a desolate place by

    themselves now many saw them going and

    recognized them and they ran there on

    foot from all the towns and got there

    ahead of them when he went ashore he saw

    a great crowd and he had compassion on

    them because they were like sheep

    without a shepherd now such an important

    moment in the story that everything that

    follows the crazy miracle that follows

    is rooted in the compassion of Jesus

    throughout the Gospels you see that when

    Jesus works in incredible miracles when

    he heals the sick and when he restores

    people to life he's moved by compassion

    and just before we get into the main

    part of the preacher I really want to

    encourage us as people to be moved by

    compassion to be seeking miracles in our

    lives and in the

    of those around us not because we're

    hungry for more power or hungry for

    another testimony to share with our

    friends but rather we allow God to so

    deeply imprint his love in our hearts so

    that we'd be moved by compassion

    whenever we see the broken though we'd

    be praying for the sick not because we

    think miracles are cool but because

    we're so moved by the compassion of God

    for the broken that's what motivated

    Jesus wherever he went and so he was

    moved by compassion and he began to

    teach them many things and when he grew

    late his disciples came to him and said

    this is a desolate place and the hour is

    now late send them away to go into the

    surrounding countryside and villages by

    themselves something to eat but he

    answered them you give them something to


    notice this don't raise an issue to

    Jesus unless you're willing to be the

    solution that's Justin 101 Basics in

    Christianity so often you see people

    coming to Jesus was the problem and he

    flips it round to them and invites them

    into being part of the solution and so

    often we can be people who just want to

    complain about problems and our prayers

    can sometimes be a long list of

    complaints before God but if we tune in

    to hear him often God is flipping those

    things back to us and inviting us into

    the journey of being part of the

    solution for those things Jesus says to

    them you give them something to eat and

    they said to him shall we go and buy 200

    denarii worth of bread and give it to

    them to eat and he said to them how many

    loaves do you have

    go and see and when they had found out

    they said five and two fish then he

    commanded them all to sit down and

    groups on the green grass so they sat

    down in groups by hundreds by fifties

    and taking the five loaves and the two

    fish he looked up to heaven said a

    blessing broke the loaves gave them to

    the disciples to set before the people

    and he divided the two fish among them

    all and they all ate and was satisfied

    and they took up twelve baskets full of

    broken pieces

    and of the fish and those who ate the

    loaves were 5000 men okay the first

    thing I want to draw out of these is

    that God is setting us up in the

    ordinary here we have in these two

    stories the first one the disciples

    ordinary day of work

    they're just mending their nets they're

    at their boats it's something that

    they've done hundreds of time over it's

    their ordinary routine and then in the

    second story the disciples have actually

    just come back from an incredibly

    successful ministry trip you would think

    that that would be the pinnacle moment

    where God would meet with them and of

    course they'd come back full of stories

    because God has done incredible miracles

    through them and yet one of the most

    profound miracles happens off the back

    of the ministry trip after the ministry

    moment is over once they're tired and

    hungry and are just looking forward to

    downtime God is wanting to interrupt us

    in our every day ordinary moments you

    know the biggest moments of Destiny

    unfolding in our lives are not going to

    be at the big conferences necessarily

    they're not necessarily going to be on

    your weekend meetings they're not

    necessarily going to be in prophetic

    times where the local prophet is in town

    there they're not necessarily going to

    be in high points of the Christian

    calendar because when you read the Bible

    you see again and again and again that

    God actually loves to invade the normal

    ordinary everyday moments of his people

    and radically changed their destiny in

    those moments if the disciples had the

    mindset that the synagogue was where God

    would meet with them that the synagogue

    was the only place God would speak to

    them they would have totally missed the

    destiny moment where Jesus rocked up

    that day on the beach and spoke to them

    as they were at work their normal paying

    jobs if the disciples had

    had the mindset that even with life with

    Jesus that it was the ministry moments

    the moments where he sent them out

    specifically there were the only moments

    where God would work they would have

    missed the invitation to be part of one

    of the most remarkable miracles recorded

    in the New Testament for you and I if we

    buy into the narrative that God only

    wants to speak to us specifically when

    we're surrounded by other Christians or

    where we're in a meeting we will miss

    the still small voice of the Spirit

    interrupting us every day because he is

    speaking to us every moment of every day

    and the words that he speaks are

    incredibly pivotal to our destiny

    sometimes we pack our schedules so full

    our Diaries our calendars are so

    jam-packed that we have no room for the

    interruption of the Spirit and I really

    want to say this clearly this setting

    isn't important it might be a conference

    or it might be your workplace but the

    reality is wherever we are the important

    thing is are you and I open to

    interruption because if we're not open

    to interruption then we will

    consistently miss the voice of God and

    even in our context today with Korona us

    hiding in our homes and being locked

    down the enemy won't want to speak to us

    and say you know take your foot off the

    gas pedal with God take your foot off

    the gas pedal because that's what the

    church is doing and that's what God must

    be doing in this season this is a season

    to just kind of calm down and rest a

    while and just put your foot on the

    brake maybe for this season but the

    enemy doesn't understand the way God

    loves to speak that God loves to speak

    in moments that would be unexpected in

    moments where everyone's thinking

    nothing's happening right now God loves

    to speak into those very moments I love

    the story of the disciples on the road

    to Emmaus after Jesus has died has risen

    again but then some of the disciples

    don't know that yet and there's these

    disciples were taught that are walking

    away from Jerusalem on the

    and they are bereft there's full of

    grief because Jesus has died and they

    thought he was the Messiah and they

    don't know what's happened and why it's


    and Jesus appears to them and we're told

    they don't recognise him and he begins

    to open up the scriptures for them and

    they stop to where they were going and

    they invite Jesus to come and have a

    meal with them and we're told that as he

    breaks the bread they recognize who he

    is and instantly he disappears I love

    that story because at the end of it they

    look at each other and they say weren't

    our hearts burning as he spoke to us and

    it's such a strange story what why did

    Jesus not allow them to recognize who he

    was at the beginning and then at the end

    let them recognize him just as he

    disappeared well I believe part of it

    was that Jesus was training them to feel

    his presence and to recognize his

    presence outside her looking at his face

    and recognizing his face he made them

    understand that their hearts burning

    within them was a sign of the presence

    of God amongst them without them being

    able to see him physically in the way

    that they had been used to up until that

    point and I want to say over us that in

    this season we're gonna have many our

    hearts of burning moments where God is

    teaching us in a very different season

    of humanity how to recognize his voice

    and how to hear him and to recognize his

    interruption in perhaps ways that we

    would not have recognized before because

    God is more than able to interrupt our

    everyday and our unexpected

    circumstances the second thing I want to

    point out is that God is setting us up

    in the utterly hopeless in the story of

    the feeding of the 5,000 Jesus very

    intentionally I believe takes them to a

    desolate place to a place that is

    utterly hopeless in order to work this

    miracle of incredible abundance he's

    teaching them that there is no context

    that is hopeless there is no context in

    the kingdom that is desolate

    because even in the desolate place God

    does such a miracle that there are

    leftovers in the first passage that we

    read where Jesus chooses his disciples

    Jesus chose utterly hopeless disciples

    he chose to work with the least likely

    people ever and we just think about

    Jewish custom of the day for a moment

    together in ancient Jewish times in the

    times of Jesus the first five books of

    the Bible the Torah were pivotal to

    everyday life the Torah dictated what

    people did what they ate how they

    planted their crops who they saw what

    they touched what they were wore it

    really dictated every aspect of their

    lives and because of this going to

    school and learning the Torah was the

    epitome of Jewish life it was something

    that was so important that every Jewish

    family sent their sons to learn the

    Torah and the way the education system

    of the day worked is that for Jewish

    boys at the age of six they would go to

    school between the age of six and ten in

    their first level of education they

    would memorize the first five books of

    the Bible then at the age of 10 those

    who had excelled would go to the second

    level of education where between the age

    of 10 and 14 they would then be

    instructed to memorize the whole of the

    Old Testament and to learn other

    rabbinical teachings and that would be

    the curriculum at the age of 14 those

    who really were the cream of the crop

    would apply to local rabbis in order to

    become their disciples and they would go

    through a lengthy interview process and

    at the end of that process the rabbi's

    would choose the very best of the best

    of those who they were willing to

    represent themselves because to become a

    disciple of a rabbi meant that you had

    been endorsed by that rabbi to become

    just like them and so the rabbi's would

    be incredibly careful obviously who they

    would choose who they would allow to

    represent them and though

    only the best only the chosen only the

    validated would be allowed to become

    disciples of rabbis for all other Jewish

    boys at the age of 10 after the first

    level or at the age of 14 after the

    second level for those who didn't make

    the cut they would leave school they

    would be the dropouts those who weren't

    invited to the next level of education

    those who just hadn't made the grade

    those who were substandard those who

    hadn't made their Jewish mummys really

    proud those would be sent off to learn a

    trade and so when Jesus goes to find

    fisherman tax collectors he's not just

    choosing strange people he's choosing

    those who were dropouts those who had

    failed those who hadn't made the grade

    those who no self-respecting rabbi would

    shoes and he went and he spoke to them

    and he called them to himself and we've

    got to understand this then when Jesus

    goes to call the disciples he's not just

    inviting them into a radical life he is

    speaking the most incredible radical

    words of affirmation and validation over

    them when Jesus went to that beach that

    day and he says to Peter and he says to

    the others come follow me they

    recognized that a rabbi was calling them

    that a rabbi was saying to them I

    believe you are exactly who I want to

    represent me to the world I believe that

    you have what it takes can you imagine

    the sense of validation and affirmation

    in that moment where their whole lives

    they thought they hadn't made made it

    that they were substandard here as a

    rabbi saying them to them you are

    exactly what I want you are the one who

    I'm going to make fishers of men and so

    God is setting us up in what seems

    utterly hopeless in circumstances that

    seem like no God can't surely cannot use

    that surely God wouldn't choose to use

    that well here we have two examples

    where God very intentionally chooses the


    as a setting in order to show his

    goodness and I believe he's setting us

    up in our lives for the very same the

    third thing that I want to show us is

    that God is setting us up for a world or

    terrifying faith adventure whichever way

    you want to see it I want to be honest

    with you

    faith journeys are often terrifying I'm

    sure the disciples would be able to tell

    us that again and again right at the

    beginning they meet Jesus one encounter

    and immediately they leave everything

    they'd ever known behind it's radical

    it's crazy and we would be lying if

    we're saying it's not scary I want to

    focus in on the miracle of feeding the

    5,000 for a moment Jesus breaks the

    bread he gives thanks for it

    incidentally gratitude is always a

    really good context for seeing

    multiplication in the Bible he gives

    thanks for the bread and he passes the

    bread and the fish to his disciples now

    let's just put ourselves in the context

    of the disciples for a moment you've got

    thousands of very hungry people who

    retired it's been a long day they've

    been in a desolate hot desert place and

    Jesus ups the ante of anticipation by

    getting all of these people to sit in

    groups of hundreds and 50s he is making

    people think that Jesus is about to do

    something and so can you imagine being

    one of the disciples where you're aware

    hey hang on Jesus we've only got five

    loaves and two fish and now you're like

    grouping everyone together and now

    everyone is looking at us like we're

    about to do something like we've got a


    the disciples must have been freaking

    out wait Jesus we've got nothing to give

    then Jesus gives them the most pitiful

    amount of food I mean imagine dividing

    up five loaves two fish between twelve

    men he gives each of them what could

    have been a barely a handful of food and

    sends them into the crowd now notice the

    story doesn't say that the

    multiplication happened when Jesus

    prayed we were not told them

    miraculously a mountain of food appeared

    behind him and the disciples were

    running between the mountain of food and

    the people that's not what happened he

    broke the bread

    he gave it to his disciples each

    disciple is holding a pitiful amount of

    food now if it was you in the story how

    much food would you decide to give to

    the first person how much food you'd be

    looking at your hands you'd be looking

    at the first person and surely

    everything in them was terrified because

    now people are looking at them with

    expectation well that's what faith

    journeys are often like they're not

    sometimes we sanitize them with our

    Instagram testimonies of what happened

    at the end of the story and we're not

    really taking people with us on the

    journey of absolute terror as we journey

    with Jesus and faith the word faith is a

    great word when you're thinking of it

    spiritually it's a really really

    terrifying word when you're thinking of

    it in any other context because it means

    we actively choose to put ourselves in

    impossible situations in situations

    where God if God doesn't show up we're

    in trouble that's what faith means it

    means that you're living in

    impossibilities and some of us we've got

    so used to living lives that we would

    say our lives of faith but actually

    whether God shows up or not we're able

    to do all the things that we've chosen

    to do well I'd venture to say those

    lives are not lives of faith if you can

    do everything that you're doing now

    whether or not God shows up then I'm not

    sure you're living a life of faith

    because faith operates purely in the

    realm of the impossible which then by

    definition means that if we're living

    lives of faith consistently we're

    choosing to put ourselves into positions

    where it would be a disaster if God

    didn't show up but thankfully for us God

    loves to show up in those contexts but

    we we need to be honest about this so

    that we encourage each other so that we

    don't make each other feel like it you

    have to be full of confidence the whole

    time because honestly their faith

    adventures that I've taken half the time

    I'm just scared but I've heard the voice

    of Jesus and I trust him enough to push

    past the scary

    and that's what I believe the disciples

    did that day they must have been

    terrified but they'd been with Jesus

    enough to know that he wasn't cruel that

    he wouldn't send them into a crowd of

    thousands of hungry people in order to

    embarrass them in order to just show

    them up as people who were fools in

    order to prove to everyone that they

    really were substandard as everyone else

    had thought they knew Jesus enough to

    know that that's not his heart and so

    that day I believe as the disciples

    walked into the utterly wild adventure

    of faith they had that one thing keeping

    them going which was the trust and the

    character of Jesus that he's good that

    he wouldn't be setting me up to fail and

    so somehow as if I do just the simple

    thing that he's told me to do everything

    else will follow and you know often in

    our faith adventures what he asks us to

    do is incredibly simple we we often try

    to complicate it because we're trying to

    find another solution on the other side

    and we complicated but often their faith

    steps that he's asking us to do are

    incredibly simple I want to ask you

    today what are the faith steps that he's

    asked you to take that you're hesitant

    to take you might have really good

    reasons when we apply earthly logic not

    to do the things that he's asked you to

    do but I want to say that you know him

    enough to know that he is good and he is

    kind that he doesn't set his people up

    to fail because somehow is just mean and

    he likes to see people for that's not

    the kind of God he is and so the very

    simple thing he's asked you to do there

    seems incredibly impossible do it he is

    good and he is kind and he leads us in

    places that are impossible so that he

    can come through for us and that's the

    last point that I want to pick up from

    these stories God's intentions are over

    the top in our unlikely spaces in our

    wild adventures of faith his intentions

    are completely over the top in the story

    of the five thousand Jesus chooses to

    multiply so much

    feed that they have 12 baskets of food

    leftover why would you do that

    what a waste they're in a desert place

    by the time they get home presumably

    most of that food will be spoilt anyway

    it's a waste well I believe he does it

    for one of the reasons to portray to us

    to explain to us to show to us just how

    lavish and abundant our God is he's not

    the god of the just enough he's the God

    of them more than enough in every

    context of our lives

    he is over-the-top he is lavish he is a

    God who is not ashamed to be

    over-the-top and he's like that with his

    affection towards us he wants to pour

    out his love in a measure that would be

    embarrassing unless you adopt the

    childlike posture of the kingdom where

    as a child you're able to lap up all the

    affection that he's pouring out on you

    he wants to be over-the-top in how he

    blesses us he wants to be over-the-top

    in how he blesses us financially I

    really do believe that that God is not

    stingy with financial resources over his

    people he wants to be over-the-top and

    how he blesses up blesses us with

    resources blesses us with wholeness

    blesses us with healing and sometimes as

    Christians we can become like Scrooge's

    like we're scrounging around like we

    have to be the kind of checking of the

    levels of goodness that God is

    dispensing where we become more

    religious than we ought if we're honest

    and we try to be more spiritual than God

    himself and dictate to him how much is

    reasonable to give and how much is

    over-the-top and no no God you don't

    want to bless that person in our

    community he's just new you don't want

    to make him prideful don't give him that

    much blessing we try to begrudge Jesus

    his generosity and there's a parable

    about exactly that in the Gospels in the

    Gospel of Matthew where Jesus tells a

    story of a master who pays all of his

    workers the workers who started right at

    the beginning of the day

    the workers who started right at the end

    of the day he pays all of them

    generously and at the end when the

    workers who started at the beginning or

    grumbling they're begrudging the Masters

    generosity he asks them why he says why

    do you begrudge me my generosity I

    believe some of us have got so used to

    just expecting that just enough that in

    our own lives

    we're unwilling to allow the generosity

    of God and we complain whenever we see

    the generosity of God over others but I

    want to tell you today we serve a God of

    abundance we serve a God of leftovers we

    serve a God who chooses twelve men to

    change the world just because we serve a

    God who multiplies food for 5,000 with

    leftovers just be God because and then

    he does it again for 4000 just because

    with leftovers each time because he

    wants to show us and reveal to us the

    heart of a lavish father and so today in

    your ordinary everyday moments whether

    you're locked down in your home or at

    work wherever you are in your unexpected

    God wants to interrupt your day with His

    goodness and his kindness in the utterly

    hopeless he wants to invade with his

    goodness and his kindness in the world

    terrifying adventure of faith he wants

    to invade with his goodness and kindness

    and if we allow him t he wants to so

    infiltrate our lives with you over the

    top abundant generosity of God that it

    is embarrassing unless we're willing to

    adopt a posture of child likeness god

    bless you guys today

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