The fact is that unless we deal with our pain, we will become like Terah—unable to move past those memories and hurts. They are like sticky traps in our hearts and, no matter how deep we bury them, they will inevitably cause us to trip over them and will disable us from running with abandon into the fullness of our destiny.
Let me encourage you today—don't be afraid of your past.
Don't ignore areas of pain, no matter how deep, areas of brokenness, no matter how full of shame. There is a promise in Kingdom life that everything finds redemption in the cross, and all wounds find their healing. Don't try to keep anything back from encountering His transforming goodness.
I'm so aware that what I'm suggesting isn't easy. It's never easy to come face to face with our own 'Harans' and to have to look squarely in the face of pain and disappointment and hurt. But, unless we courageously deal with our past, we'll never be fully free to enter into our future, and the destiny that God has marked out for us will only ever seem like a pipe dream.
The promises over us are too great, too wonderful, and too life-giving to let them fall by the wayside at the mercy of our past. Let's trust Jesus' heart for us.
He is gentle, and He is kind.
He will not break a bruised reed (Isaiah 42:3) or deal harshly with us. He wants to bring healing comfort to our most profound disappointments so that they no longer have power over us. Let's let Him in. Let's let His light in. It's time to get up from Haran and to start moving towards Canaan.
It's time to be set free.