Being married to a prophet has provoked me into a bit of a crazy wild journey with Jesus. When I first started getting to know Julian, he would often tell me of the unbelievable encounters with God that He was having. If I’m completely honest, I would find it a bit annoying, because I wanted to experience similar crazy encounters too but I thought that they were somehow only ‘reserved’ for those who are prophets. As if being a prophet meant that Julian could enter into a realm that was out of bounds for me – just an ordinary Christian (is there any such thing?!).
Over the last few years, I’ve realized just how wrong that kind of thinking is. Firstly, as children of God we are ALL created to know Him and hear Him and experience Him – that’s not a privilege reserved for prophets, but a reality on offer for all believers. Secondly, the very reason Jesus gave gifts of prophets (alongside the other 5-fold gifts spoken of in Ephesians) was not to create a kind of tiered system in the body, where some people are ‘super Christians’ and get to do the stuff and the rest of us just stand in awe of them, but rather so that those people could equip and empower the body to do the very same things they do. That’s the point of having grace gifts of apostles and prophets and teachers and evangelists and pastors. Not to have them on pedestals where they do the work of ministry, but instead where they multiply and reproduce the supernatural DNA that they carry to those around them, so that the whole body is raised up to do the work of ministry.
In other words, Julian’s experiences are not meant to make me feel left out and jealous of how he gets to do fun stuff and I don’t, but rather they are meant to invite me and provoke me and empower me into experiences of my own with God.
Realizing Jesus’ intention in giving gifts of people to the church has revolutionized how I anticipate what God wants to do with me. No longer do I hear a story from someone with an amazing gift and think ‘Oh I wish that I could do that!’ but rather now I think ‘Woohoo! That must mean that I get to do that!’.
Every testimony and story you hear of wild encounter and supernatural moments are not meant to make you feel left out, but are meant to draw you in.
What stories have you heard that make you yearn for more? They are not simply stories but are rather invitations whispered by your good, kind Papa, who is holding out His hand and inviting you into the more of who He is. Are you listening? Are you ready to dive in deeper? There is nothing that you have heard or seen in the Christian world that is reserved for someone else more gifted or more ‘chosen’ than you. We are all children of the same Papa who sees us all as His favorite.
What is He wanting to say to His favorite today?