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The God-kind

KATIA ADAMS • January 17, 2018
Just a quick confession at the start of this year: I started a ‘read the Bible in one year’ plan. I’m already behind.

BUT despite the fact that I’m finding it a challenge to get through all of the reading for each day (not really the point, is it?!) God’s been speaking to me wonderfully through the book of Genesis and has set me up with a thought that i’m trusting will shape this year.

I was reading the familiar creation story again and something exciting popped out at me. As you read the account of God making the world, you see that God creates everything that fills the earth according to its kind – plants and trees ‘according to their kinds’ (1:11) and fish and birds ‘according to their kinds’ (1:21) and beasts and livestock and creepy crawlies ‘according to their kinds’ (1:25). And then this recurring phrase suddenly changes when God makes man. He doesn’t make humanity ‘according to its kind’ as you would expect from everything He’s created so far. Rather, He creates humanity according to HIS kind – ‘in the image of God He created them’ (1:27).

You were created according to the God-kind. You are not ‘only human’ as the enemy would love you to believe, putting a lid over you of what you can and can’t achieve. There’s actually no such thing as being ‘only human’ in that sense, because humanity wasn’t created with the limitation of its kind – it was created with the impossibility of the God-kind.

At this time most years, I look ahead with both excitement and some sense of being overwhelmed as my diary is booked right until the end of the year already and there is so much that I’ve agreed to that feels far beyond me. But since reading Genesis 1, I’ve had this recurring thought in my head – I’m not ‘onlyhuman’. There is no such thing. I’ve been made according to His kind and right from the beginning He designed me to think outside the box and to disagree with seeming impossibilities. Yes, the fall broke that beautiful reality, but coming alive in Christ brings me right back to my original design and His original intention.

So, as you look ahead to this year, I want to encourage you to ignore the enemy’s condescending lies that you can’t possibly have what it takes because you are only human. What a lot of nonsense! You have been made according to the God-kind where His intention is for you to live outside the box of possibility and feasibility. Everything in your make-up was designed to touch the impossible and shine with His glory on the earth. Get ready 2018, you’re going to be the year of smashing impossibilities.

This post was originally published on KatiaAdams.me

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