In the course of history, many revivals have come and gone. With each one looking different, it's no wonder people question what revival is supposed to look like. As someone who has lived through many revivals, Julian has a unique perspective on this topic. He believes that revival is meant to be a go and show movement, taking the power of the Holy Spirit out of the church to awaken the world. The best days of revival are happening now, and the world needs to be shown what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
Revival has always been God's plan. In this teaching, Julian revisits the topic of "revival", and gives us clues as to how God might be moving on the earth for today.
We can learn a lot from the story of Nehemiah. In this teaching, Katia shares some important keys for how we can engage with culture, and rebuild the ruins around us. This is a featured teaching from The Table Boston, Church.