Have you ever had one of those moments where someone points something out from scripture and you think to yourself ‘How have I not seen this before?!’? On Sunday evening I was listening to an outstanding message from George Gourlay – ‘The King who is Victorious’ (i’d really recommend you have a listen – it’ll be up on the Harvest Church podcast soon) and he mentioned something about Jesus’ posture in victory that rocked me.
He pointed out the verse ‘ The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.” ’ (Mark 12, quoting Psalm 110). Notice this – Jesus is sitting on His throne in the perfect rest of His victory even BEFORE the enemies are made His footstool. He is modelling what it looks like to live in Kingdom victory before the final expression of breakthrough. He is in complete and utter rest. No striving, no pacing around in worry, no begging the Father to come through as if we need to beg and plead to get Him to act… none of that. Rather He is seated in total confidence that the victory He has won is irreversible, unshakable and is being inevitably worked out. The footstool part is just a matter of time.
I’m so provoked by this. There are so many things that i’m trusting for and praying for and if i’m honest, pushing for. And it’s not that any of those things are bad, but on Sunday evening I was reminded that although I may not feel it at times, the most true reality is that i’m living in a seat of victory in Christ and the enemies that I see (suffering, injustice, sickness etc) and the breakthroughs that I long for are going to come about not from my pushing but from my understanding of what’s already been done and what’s been promised by a faithful Papa. I’m not saying we stop praying or fasting or anything else we feel faith to do. I’m just suggesting we do those things with the beautiful peace that comes from complete confidence. Rest doesn’t mean inactivity (we know that Jesus isn’t inactive even as He’s seated – He’s interceding for us) but rest does mean certainty.
I have a wonderful friend who is living out this truth in the most remarkable way. She is sick. Sick to the point of death. And while her body has been slowly but steadily ravaged by the horrible disease that is cancer, i’ve never seen a more inspiring and Jesus-pointing model of resting in victory even before her breakthrough. She’s not out of touch with what is happening in her body. She’s not living a super-spiritual denial of the facts. She’s well aware that this cancer will take her very soon should her breakthrough not come on this side of eternity. But even as I type this i’m overwhelmed as I think of the sheer confidence she’s living with. He is good. He WILL make the enemies a footstool. It’s only a matter of time.
But this isn’t a truth that’s only relevant for us if we’re trusting for a breakthrough of healing. This is a truth that is a gift for our everyday moments of life. Our good good Papa is offering us a perfectly peace-filled place to live from. Confident, certain and unshakable. Victory over pain and sickness and death and brokenness is irreversibly ours because we’re in Christ. And rest assured the footstool is being prepared even as you read this.